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10425 Southwest 238th Street
Vashon, WA, 98070
United States


We are an organic lavender farm on beautiful Vashon Island. During the off season, we are a vacation rental, ready for weddings, family reunions, corporate retreats, or any other occasion.


The Farm is Closed in 2025


2025 Lavender Season- Our Farm is Closed to Visitors

Thank you so much for your interest in Lavender Hill Farm.  After much thought, I have decided to make this, our 20th season growing lavender, a season of Rest and Renewal  This means that we will not be opening the farm to visitors this year.

WHY, you ask? Two important reasons for my decision.  The first is that much of the lavender has been replanted in the last year, and we need to give the baby plants time to mature enough to be harvested. The second reason is personal. My mother died in December and my father is turning 100, so flexibility is important as I spend time with family and in the garden.

We will be at farmers markets, in stores on Vashon, online and have fresh lavender and wreaths available for pickup at the farm.  It will be a low-key summer, but we will harvest and distill.  Please check our website in early April to find our retail and market locations.

Thank you to our loyal visitors.  I assure you I will miss opening the farm to you this summer and be ready to jump back in next year.

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Our Partners

Suzi’s Lavender

We offer the full line of Suzi’s Lavender body and skin care in our farm store.

Little Bird Gardens

Lavender plants are for sale in the Little Bird Gardens Vashon nursery.


Englewood Hill Farm

Englewood Hill Farm has organic lavender fields for additional flowers.